592 89 45-03 PRINTED CIRCUIT PCBAFits:Automower 320 2013->Automower 330X 2013->Automower 420 2016->Automower 430X 2016->Automower 440 2017->Automower 450X 2017->Automower 520 2018->Automower 550 2018->Automower 435X AWD 2019->The electronic board is one of the components that can be damaged, for example, by lightning. The robot will often display the error message no wire signal, even if the LED shows a solid green light. In this case, try disconnecting one of the perimeter wires at that point, the LED should start flashing blue. If it doesn't, it's likely that the electronic board is faulty. Don't forget to pair the robotic lawnmower after replacing the electronic board. Do this via menu -> security -> advanced -> new wire signal. replaced by: 579 56 55-04, 579 56 55-05, 589 50 78-01, 592 89 45-01, 5928945-02